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Tagged with Exhibition
Jockey Club “Project Silver” – Intergenerational Arts Project 2021 Exhibition
Organised by Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Jockey Club “Project Silver” Intergenerational Arts Project is a three-year initiative designed to promote age inclusivity and creative ageing through the arts.
The Jockey Club “Project Silver” – Intergenerational Arts Project Exhibition
This November, join us for the launch of the first public exhibition and sharing event that features a range of intergenerational creative projects.
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: stART Up Community Arts Project 2019: Exhibition
Let’s beat the bullies – Stand up for yourself and each other!
HK URBAN CANVAS 2019: Exhibition
This year, HK Urban Canvas explores the rich multicultural communities of Aberdeen, Ap Lei Chau and Kowloon City with a focus on local food.
Create your Tai Koo!
Sheraton Hong Kong Presents: “My Sham Shui Po Hidden Gems” Art Exhibition
How do the young people living in Sham Shui Po perceive their neighbourhood?
Sheraton Hong Kong Presents: “Tasty Hong Kong” Print Art Exhibition
Professional YAF artists partner with Sheraton volunteers to lead underprivileged youngsters from "To Home" on an exploration of Hong Kong food stories through art.
31 Mar 2016
Your Impression of the Ocean - Awakening
To save our oceans and the future of our planet, even the smallest action helps. Think about your behaviour. Join us to help make a difference to the oceans and the world we all depend on for existence.
29 Sep 2015
Dare to Dream with Kiki Cheng
First up in our Sheraton Hong Kong Presents: “Dare to Dream” Youth Portrait Exhibition blog series we have illustrator Kiki Cheng.
10 Jul 2015
I promise to...
Want a limited edition One Bowl, One Promise bowl?
30 Apr 2015
Gareth Dunster on Ocean Art Walk 2015 at Stanley Plaza
Next up in this series , we have our fantastic visual artist Gareth Dunster!
14 Aug 2014
Elephant Magic with Desiree Ho
This month, YAF is working with Pacific Place and Swire Properties to bring a whole host of workshops and storytelling sessions as part of the Elephant Parade! We sit down for a long chat with Desiree Ho, who is our resident storyteller at Pacific Place.
16 Dec 2013
Using everyday objects to create art
Jockey Club “Project Silver” – Intergenerational Arts Project 2021 Exhibition
Organised by Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Jockey Club “Project Silver” Intergenerational Arts Project is a three-year initiative designed to promote age inclusivity and creative ageing through the arts.
The Jockey Club “Project Silver” – Intergenerational Arts Project Exhibition
This November, join us for the launch of the first public exhibition and sharing event that features a range of intergenerational creative projects.
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: stART Up Community Arts Project 2019: Exhibition
Let’s beat the bullies – Stand up for yourself and each other!
Ocean Art Walk 2016 at Stanley Plaza
Working with 500 young people and artists, we will create hundreds of plastic fish sculptures, installations and stage performances, we would further encourage recycling and avoid using single-use and disposable plastics.
Ocean Art Walk 2016 - Seeking Artists
We are now seeking visual artists to produce commissioned artwork and/or run artist-in-school residencies
Standard Chartered Arts in the Park Mardi Gras 2015
Celebrating 15 years of inspiration! #ArtsinthePark is one of Hong Kong’s largest and most vibrant annual community arts events.
Standard Chartered Arts in the Park Mardi Gras 2015 Charity Programme: Seeing is Believing Fundraising Exhibition
8,000 students create over 8,000 classical music-related art pieces to show their support and raise funds for the visually impaired
Sheraton Hong Kong Presents: “Dare to Dream” Youth Portrait Exhibition
Showcasing the extraordinary journey that youngsters from The Hub Hong Kong Children and Youth Centre have taken to express their hopes and dreams through art.
Jockey Club Community Arts Biennale 2015
24 artists and 1000+ young people uncover the hidden stories of Hong Kong
Ocean Art Walk 2015 at Stanley Plaza
A festival by the sea celebrating the ocean. Emmy-award winning documentary Chasing Ice inspires an exhibition, dance performances, workshops and movie marathons.